Sex Addiction, Sexual Compulsivity & Pornography Addiction

Are you struggling with pornography, or do you have sexual behaviors you want to stop but can’t?

Sex addiction treatment is only one of our prime focuses. Recovery from sex addiction and sexual compulsivity is directed at learning to control and eliminate sexual behaviors that result in loss or unwanted consequences in the lives of the sex addict. Cybersex and pornography addiction today is rampant, and it has been said that the internet is the new “crack cocaine” of society. Often time’s individuals can develop compulsive pornography addiction, cybersex addiction, or gaming addiction, and spend hours focusing on these behaviors. Pornography addiction, even during work hours has become a major problem today. Not only is treatment of the sex addict important, but providing treatment of families and partners of sex addicts is crucial for their own trauma resolution.

Another focus of treatment is helping those who have Atypical Sexual Arousal which has caused conflict in the partnership or with the individual themselves. It had been thought that the Arousal Template is formed early in childhood, however with the proliferation of information and easy access that the Internet affords, many have realized that others exist who share the same arousal they thought to be unusual or outside of their value and belief system. Therapy is directed towards the client’s goals and helping them understand their feelings and behaviors.